Dr Rose Ehemann, Chairwoman
Since 2002 director of the Ateliers-Living Museum of Psychiatrie St. Gallen, Switzerland, art director Ateliers Tagesstätte, Heimstätten Wil, Switzerland. Lecturer. Founding member
Magdalena Steinemann, Vice-Chairwoman, Finances
Born and raised in Switzerland, several internships at the Living Museum Wil and the Living Museum New York between 2004 and 2013, director of the Café Living Museum from January 2015 to February 2016, Master of Sciece in psychology, yoga teacher, psychotherapist (i.A.) Founding member
Sonja Heiz, Member Services
Since 2008 art psychotherpaist at the Ateliers-Living Museum of Psychiatrie St. Gallen, Switzerland.
Hans Peter Hug, Network and Communication
Formerly member of the executive board of Psychiatrie St. Gallen Nord, "President St.Gallischer Hilfsverein SGHV, Foundation Board Heimstätten Wil SG".
Dr. Nicole Ottiger, Digital
Since 2006 at, and since 2015 as deputy head of the Ateliers-Living Museum of Psychiatrie St. Gallen, Switzerland. Art psychotherapist. Artist. Lecturer.
Stefan Resch
Since 2018 art therapist at the Ateliers-Living Museum of Psychiatrie St. Gallen, Switzerland.
Lenka Roth, Network and Communications
Art and design therapist
Since 2016 director of the Open Art Studio in Kreuzlingen, Switzerland
Since 2016 director of the Open Art Studio in Kreuzlingen, Switzerland