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Gipseule (Plaster Owl) 10.5

Kultur im Pavilion Wil of the Psychiatry St.Gallen North presents the exhibition "Gipseule 10.5", Living Museum Wil from 6 May to 6 June. The vernissage will take place on Thursday, 6 May from 18.00 hrs.

From a single plaster mould, more than 100 artists from the Psychiatry St.Gallen Nord and the Foundation Heimstätten Wil have created a panorama of countless ceramic owls. These are as unique as the people who created them. Let the owl creatures inspire, delight, irritate, touch and immerse you in the fascinating universe of the “GIPSEULE 10.5”.


Thursday, May 6 from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.

Opening hours exhibition

The exhibition is open from Saturday, 8 May to Sunday, 6 June, each weekend between 2pm – 5pm.

Both the vernissage and the exhibition will be held in accordance with the FOPH’s corona guidelines.


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